Tocynnau ar werth o’r

27/09/23 17:00

Tickets onsale from the

27/09/23 17:00


Ym 1995 cymerodd Adam a finnau ran mewn darn o theatr aml-gyfrwng cyffrous gyda'r diweddar fardd Childe Roland (Peter Meilleur) o'r enw INDIGO. Roedd Peter a’i deulu wedi symud i Langollen yn 1979 a buan iawn y deuthum i, yn blentyn ifanc ar y pryd, yn ffrindiau agos â Sue, Peter a’u plant Emily, Miranda a Tom. Roeddwn i ym mlwyddyn olaf yn astudio ar gyfer fy ngradd drama ac roedd Peter yn gweithio ar fenter newydd gyffrous. Gofynnodd i mi greu y coreograffi i’r darn tra hefyd rhoi y cyfle i ni berfformio yn ei waith ysbrydoledig o’r enw ‘Indigo’ a berfformiwyd am y tro cyntaf yn Theatr Clwyd ac a ddangoswyd mewn nifer o leoliadau Cymreig gan gynnwys Theatr Ardudwy a Chanolfan Gelfyddydau Chapter, Caerdydd. Roedd barddoniaeth arbrofol a rhythmig Peter yn addas iawn ar gyfer dawns a theatr gorfforol a gwnaeth hyn ein hysbrydoli i barhau i archwilio a chreu’r math hwn o theatr cyfrwng-cymysg. Gyda bendith Peter fe gedwais yr enw – INDIGO.

Parhaodd Cwmni Theatr Indigo i greu prosiectau celfyddydau cymunedol trwy gydol y 90au. Mae ein darn Theatr mewn Addysg dwyieithog - Y Tri Mwnci / The Three Monkeys - yn archwilio heriau cyfathrebu mewn gwahanol ieithoedd ac roeddem yn gallu mynd ar daith o amgylch Ysgolion Cynradd Gogledd Cymru a lleoliadau cymunedol ddwywaith, diolch i gymorth Arian y Loteri Genedlaethol.

Bu Dancing In The Moonlight ar daith o amgylch sefydliadau gofal cymdeithasol a sawl neuadd cymunedol ar gyfer cynulleidfaoedd hŷn. Roedd y darn theatr gorfforol hwn yn seiliedig ar atgofion bywyd pobl go iawn oedd yn byw yn Sir Ddinbych wedi symud yma fel faciwîs o Lerpwl.

Ysgrifennodd a chyfarwyddodd Cwmni Theatr Indigo ddarnau ‘Datrys Llofruddiaeth’ a berfformiwyd ar gyfer amriwiaeth o gynulleidfaoedd a sefydliadau cymunedol gan gynnwys cwsmeriaid Corfforaethol, preswylwyr gwestai, gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a’r GIG.

Parhaodd Adam a minnau i ysgrifennu, cyfarwyddo a pherfformio nes i'n plant ddechrau cyrraedd oedran ysgol. Fe enillom ni TAR a dechrau dysgu’r celfyddydau perfformio a alluogodd ni i ofalu am ein teulu ifanc tra’n ehangu’r cwmni theatr i gynnwys gweithdai wythnosol i blant, pobl ifanc ac oedolion. Dros y blynyddoedd fe drawsnewidiodd y cwmni yn araf i’r academi celfyddydau perfformio fel ac y mae heddiw.

Mae ein drysau bob amser ar agor i gyfranogwyr newydd ac edrychwn ymlaen at gwrdd â chi os hoffech ymuno â ni ar ein taith greadigol!

Childe Roland (Peter Meilleur)

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Claire Tranmer


Cyfarwyddo & Drama

Dechreuais fy hyfforddiant yng Ngholeg Elliot-Clarke yn 16 oed cyn symud ymlaen i astudio ym Mhrifysgol John Moores Lerpwl lle ennillais radd BA Anrhydedd mewn Dawns & Drama. Gadewais y brifysgol i weithio gyda chwmnïau theatr proffesiynol cyn cyd-sefydlu Cwmni Theatr Indigo yn 1997, lle bûm yn ddigon ffodus i berfformio, cyfarwyddo a choreograffu.

Fel actor, arweinydd gweithdai, hyfforddwr ac artist profiadol rwyf wedi arbenigo mewn Theatr Gorfforol a Dawns Gyfoes gyda pob oed. Ar ôl fy hyfforddiant TAR rwyf wedi cael y cyfle i gyfarwyddo cynhyrchiadau ar raddfa llawn, megis 'Hairspray', 'Annie' a 'Seussical The Musical'.

Y 'bwrlwm' o berfformio o flaen cynulleidfa fyw yw'r teimlad gorau yn y byd. Y 'bwrlwm' hwnnw yw'r hyn yr wyf yn mwynhau ei drosglwyddo i'm myfyrwyr, boed hynny drwy ddangosiad bach, anffurfiol, perfformiad stryd byrfyfyr neu gynhyrchiad ar raddfa lawn mewn theatr dan ei sang.

Pan fydd mam yn sôn am faint mae hunanhyder ei phlentyn wedi gwella neu mae oedolyn yn cyflwyno ei hun i mi fel y plentyn 7 oed swil oedd mewn cynhyrchiad flynyddoedd yn ôl, rwy'n cael cymaint o foddhad yn gwybod bod effaith y celfyddydau perfformio yn para oes.

Adam Tranmer

Drama & Llais

Wedi fy hyfforddiant ym Mhrifysgol John Moores yn Lerpwl, es ymlaen i weithio gydag amrywiaeth o gwmnïau perfformio, cyn sefydlu Cwmni Theatr Indigo gyda Claire. Rhoddodd hyn gyfle i mi ddatblygu amrywiaeth o brosiectau perfformio anhygoel a gweithio gyda llu o bobl dalentog. Rwyf hefyd wedi cael y lwc o gyfarwyddo llawer o gynhyrchiadau mawr, yn ddiweddaraf 'Babes In The Wood' a 'A Christmas Carol', sydd wedi rhoi llawenydd i mi ac eraill. Rwyf yn gobeithio dod a'r profiadiau yma i'r stiwdio i helpu meithrin a datblygu doniau ein myfyrwyr ifanc.

Rwyf yn ymwybodol iawn o bwysicrwydd y celfyddydau perfformio; maent yn darparu hunaniaeth ddiwylliannol, sgiliau cymdeithasol, hunanhyder, a gallant fod yn fan mynegiant ar gyfer ein meddyliau a'n teimladau. Mae'r celfyddydau perfformio hefyd yn caniatau lle i ni ddychmygu byd sy'n newid yn gyflym. Bydd y byd yn edrych yn wahannol iawn ymhen 40 mlynedd a bydd dychymyg a chreadigrwydd ein pobl ifanc yn ein helpu i wneud y daith flaengar honno.

Anita Lloyd

Coreograffi & Dawns

Graddiais o Ganolgfan Dawns a Drama Glannau Mersi, yn 1994 gan ennill fy nghymwysterau addysgu dawns ISTD. Wedyn, es yn syth i mewn i ddysgu, gan baratoi disgyblion ar gyfer gwahanol arholiadau dawns ISTD, TGAU, Safon Uwch a BTEC a gwobrau celfyddydau perfformio mewn dawns.

Drwy gydol fy mhrofiad addysgu rwyf wedi coreograffu ar gyfer llawer o sioeau lleol, gan gynnwys grwpiau pop ac artistiaid unigol ar S4C.

Rwy'n credu y dylai pawb gael y cyfle i ddawnsio, drwy chwerthin a chael hwyl. Mae cynhwysiant, amrywiaeth a chydraddoldeb wrth wraidd fy addysgu, ynghyd ag angerdd am y ffurf gelfyddydol. Mae'n fwy na dysgu cyfres o gamau i gerddoriaeth. Mae'n ffordd o symud sy'n defnyddio'r corff fel offeryn mynegiant a chyfathrebu. Mae'n caniatáu twf personol a chymdeithasol drwy waith tîm, ffocws a sgiliau byrfyfyr. Mae dawns yn deffro canfyddiadau newydd mewn plant sy'n eu helpu i ddysgu a meddwl mewn ffyrdd newydd.

Mae'r cyffro yn eu llygaid yn gwneud i chi sylweddoli pa mor hudolus yw dawns.

Mae ffrindiau sy'n dawnsio gyda'i gilydd yn aros gyda'i gilydd.

Alison Young


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Myfanwy Tranmer

Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol & Marchnata


Mae Academi Celfyddydau Indigo yn cynnig dosbarthiadau dwy-ieithog mewn drama, canu a dawnsio i blant a phobl ifanc 4-18 oed. Rhennir y dosbarthiadau fel a ganlyn:


4-7 Oed

Academi Iau

7-11 Oed

Academi Hyn

11-25 Oed

Abstract watercolor cloud


Abstract watercolor cloud

4-7 oed

Yellow Abstract Corner Blob

Mae'r sesiynau yma yn ddwyieithog ac wedi'u cynllunio ar gyfer myfyrwyr ifanc i gael hwyl mewn amgylchedd diogel a chreadigol, tra'n meithrin y sgiliau a fydd yn arwain at unigolion ifanc hyderus a mynegiannol.

Mae'r dosbarth hwn yn cyflwyno tair prif ddisgyblaeth gelfyddydau perfformio, sef dawns, drama a chanu ac yn gam pwysig tuag at ddatblygu hyder i fynychu'r Academi Iau.

Asian Kid with Family Dancing
Yellow Abstract Corner Blob


Neuadd Pwllglas, ger Rhuthun

(uwch ben y siop)

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9:00-10:00 Pob Dydd Sadwrn (yn dilyn dyddiadau y tymor ysgol)

Cliciwch yma i gofrestru am eich sesiwn cyntaf.*

*Nodwch bod sesiwn Minions yn costio £6 am sesiwn. Gwelwch y dudalen 'Prisiau & Archebu le' am fwy o wybodaeth.


7-11 oed

Mae'r Academi Iau yn gwrs 2.5 awr sy'n cwmpasu'r tair prif ddisgyblaeth y Celfyddydau Perfformio sef actio, dawnsio a chanu.

Bydd cyfleoedd i archwilio gwaith masgiau, sgiliau syrcas, hud, comedi yn ogystal â sgiliau perfformio eraill sy'n cael eu cynnig ar wahanol adegau drwy gydol y cwrs megis technegau sioe gerdd a gwaith sgript.

Bydd cyfleodd i aelodau berfformio, cystadlu a eistedd arholiadau.


Neuadd Pwllglas, ger Rhuthun

(uwch ben y siop)

Cliciwch yma i weld GOOGLE MAPS


10:00-12:30 Pob Dydd Sadwrn

(yn dilyn tymor ysgol Sir Ddinbych.)

Cliciwch yma i archebu sesiwn dreial am ddim.


11-25 oed

Mae'r Academi Hyn yn darparu sgiliau perfformio o safon uwch i'n myfyrwyr.

Hefyd yn 2.5 awr yr wythnos, mae'r cwrs yn dal i gwmpasu'r tair ddisgyblaeth sef drama, canu a dawns. Mae'r cwrs yma yn ceisio adeiladu ar sgiliau lleisiol, cymeriadu a symud gyda mwy o gymhlethdod a soffistigeiddrwydd sy'n cynnig mwy o her i'n perfformwyr.

Bydd cyfle i aelodau berfformio mewn sioeau, cystadlaethau ac eistedd arholiadau.


Neuadd Pwllglas, ger Rhuthun

(uwch ben y siop)

Cliciwch yma i weld GOOGLE MAPS


12:30-15:00 Pob Dydd Sadwrn

(yn dilyn tymor ysgol Sir Ddinbych.)

Cliciwch yma i archebu sesiwn dreial am ddim.

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Mae dosbarthiadau Indigo yn rhedeg am 10 sesiwn pob tymor, gyda'r dyddiadau a'r ffioedd diweddaraf yn cael eu anfon atoch cyn cychwyn y tymor newydd.


  • £170 y tymor i'r Brif Academi (i'w dalu mewn cyfanswm llawn cyn ddechrau'r tymor - tymor yn para 10 wythnos)
  • £6 y sesiwn i'r Minions

Gallwch dalu ffioedd y dosbarth Minions yn wythnosol, neu allwch dalu mewn un cyfandaliad am dymor o 10 sesiwn.

Rhaid talu ffioedd y Brif Academi (Academi Iau a Hyn) i gyd cyn cychwyn y tymor.

Os ydych yn derbyn budd-daliad penodol, gallwch roi cais i mewn am ostyngiad. Mae yna opsiwn i drefnu cynllun talu os ydych yn cael trafferth talu'r cyfanswm ar ddechrau'r tymor. Cysylltwch â ni am yr opsiynau sydd ar gael i chi.

Mae'r ail blentyn yn cael gostyngiad o 10% os yw'r plentyn cyntaf yn talu'n llawn - nid yw hwn yn cynnwys y Minions.

Nodwch: bydd ffioedd eraill yn cael eu codi ar gyfer gweithgareddau ychwanegol, e.e. sioeau, cystadlaethau, arholiadau, ac ati.

Mae disgwyl i fyfyrwyr y Brif Academi wisgo gwisg Indigo ac esgidiau dawns 'jazz'. Cliciwch yma i weld ein Gwisg Indigo.

*Bydd yr holl ffioedd yn cynyddu yn unol â chostau chwyddiant y DU, a chostau rhedeg eraill.

Cofrestrwch isod:

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Dogfen Gweithdrefnau Polisi a Chodau Ymarfer

Diogelu Plant

Swyddog diogelu: Claire Tranmer 07742380638

Dirprwy Swyddog Diogelu: Adam Tranmer 07730666676

Os na fyddwch yn gallu cysylltu â'r uchod, cysylltwch â'r

swyddog diogelu Sir Ddinbych: Mr Wayne Wheatley ar 01824 708064

Lluniwyd: Medi 2015

Diwygiedig: Medi 2017

Academi Celfyddydau Indigo Performing Arts Academy

Ffôn:07742380638 / 07730666676

E-bost: neu

Polisïau Academi Celyfyddydau Indigo Performing Arts Academy

Mae'r polisi hwn yn berthnasol i'r holl staff, gan gynnwys uwch reolwyr, staff cyflogedig, gwirfoddolwyr a gweithwyr sesiynol, staff asiantaeth, myfyrwyr neu unrhyw un sy'n gweithio ar ran Academi Celfyddydau Indigo Academy of Performing Arts (ACIAPA)

Diben y polisi hwn yw:

• amddiffyn plant a phobl ifanc sy'n derbyn gwasanaethau ACIAPA.

Mae hyn yn cynnwys plant oedolion sy'n defnyddio ein gwasanaethau;

• rhoi'r egwyddorion cyffredinol i staff a gwirfoddolwyr sy'n llywio ein dull o ddiogelu.

Mae ACIAPA yn credu na ddylai plentyn neu berson ifanc byth gael ei gam-drin mewn unrhyw ffordd. Mae gennym gyfrifoldeb i hyrwyddo lles pob plentyn a pherson ifanc a'u cadw'n ddiogel. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i ymarfer mewn ffordd sy'n eu diogelu.

Fframwaith cyfreithiol

Lluniwyd y polisi hwn ar sail cyfraith a chanllawiau sy'n ceisio diogelu plant, sef:

•Deddf Plant 1989

•Confensiwn Unedig Hawliau'r Plentyn 1991

•Deddf Diogelu Data 1998

•Deddf Troseddau Rhywiol 2003

•Deddf Plant 2004

•Deddf Diogelu Rhyddid 2012

•Canllawiau perthnasol y llywodraeth ar ddiogelu plant

Rydym yn cydnabod:

• bod lles y plentyn yn hollbwysig, fel y'i nodir yn Neddf Plant 1989

• bod gan bob plentyn, waeth beth fo'i oedran, anabledd, rhyw, treftadaeth hiliol, cred grefyddol, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol neu hunaniaeth, hawl i

gael amddiffyniad cyfartal rhag pob math o niwed neu gamdriniaeth

• bod rhai plant yn agored i niwed hefyd oherwydd effaith profiadau blaenorol, lefel eu dibyniaeth, eu hanghenion cyfathrebu neu faterion


• bod gweithio mewn partneriaeth â phlant, pobl ifanc, eu rhieni, gofalwyr ac asiantaethau eraill yn hanfodol i hyrwyddo lles pobl ifanc.

Byddwn yn ceisio cadw plant a phobl ifanc yn ddiogel drwy:

• eu gwerthfawrogi, gwrando arnynt a'u parchu

• mabwysiadu arferion amddiffyn plant drwy weithdrefnau a chod ymddygiad ar gyfer staff a gwirfoddolwyr

• datblygu a gweithredu polisi e-ddiogelwch a gweithdrefnau cysylltiedig effeithiol

• darparu rheolaeth effeithiol ar gyfer staff a gwirfoddolwyr drwy oruchwyliaeth, cymorth a hyfforddiant

• recriwtio staff a gwirfoddolwyr yn ddiogel, gan sicrhau bod yr holl wiriadau angenrheidiol yn cael eu gwneud

• rhannu gwybodaeth am amddiffyn plant ac arfer da gyda phlant, rhieni, staff a gwirfoddolwyr

• rhannu pryderon ag asiantaethau y mae angen iddynt wybod, a chynnwys rhieni a phlant yn briodol.

Rydym wedi ymrwymo i adolygu ein polisi a'n harferion da bob blwyddyn.

Adolygwyd y polisi hwn ddiwethaf ar:




(dylai hyn gael ei lofnodi gan y person uchaf yn eich sefydliad , er enghraifft yr arweinydd diogelu ar eich bwrdd o ymddiriedolwyr)

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Hwdi Plentyn INDIGO

Comic Script Bubble Illustration


Dotted Circle

Lliwiau ar gyfer yr hwd:

Dotted Circle



3-4 oed

5-6 oed

7-8 oed

9-11 oed

12-13 oed

Hwdi Oedolyn INDIGO

Comic Script Bubble Illustration


Lliwiau ar gyfer yr hwd:

Dotted Circle
Dotted Circle




Crys Polo INDIGO

Dotted Circle


3/4 Oed

5/6 Oed

7/8 Oed

9/10 Oed 11/12 Oed

13 Oed

Comic Script Bubble Illustration




Comic Script Bubble Illustration


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Gwisg Indigo ar gael i'w archebu o'n swyddfa. Cysylltwch ag Alison am fwy o wybodaeth.

*Noder y byddwn yn disgwyl i fyfyrwyr yr Academi wisgo Gwisg Indigo ac Esgidiau Jazz du o fis Medi 2022.

Gweler enghreifftiau o esgidiau jazz du isod - mae'r rhain i'w gweld ar-lein mewn siopau dillad dawns neu gan fanwerthwyr mawr ar-lein fel Amazon. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â ni neu siarad â Claire neu Miss Lloyd yn y dosbarth.

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telephone receiver



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telephone receiver

07712221914 / 07742380638

Dilynwch ni ar facebook ac Instagram!

Cliciwch ar yr icons.

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Hall Neuadd Pwllglas, nr Ruthin,

Pwllglas LL15 2PB

(in hall above Pwllglas Village shop)

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In 1995 Adam and I took part in an exciting multi-media collaboration with the late poet Childe Roland (Peter Meilleur) entitled INDIGO. Peter and his family had moved to Llangollen in 1979 and I, then a young child, soon became close friends with Sue, Peter and their children Emily, Miranda and Tom. I was in the final year of my drama degree whilst Peter was working on an exciting new venture. He asked me to choreograph the piece while also giving an opportunity for Adam and I to perform in his inspiring work ‘Indigo’ which premiered in Theatr Clwyd and showed at many Welsh venues including Theatr Ardudwy and Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff.

Peter’s experimental and rhythmic poetry lent itself well to dance and physical theatre which inspired us to continue to explore and create this type of mixed-genre theatre - and with Peter’s blessing we kept the name - INDIGO.

Indigo Theatre Company continued to create community arts projects throughout the 90’s. Our bi-lingual Theatre in Education piece - Y Tri Mwnci / The Three Monkeys - explores the challenges of communicating in different languages and was able to tour North Wales Primary Schools and community settings twice, thanks to National Lottery Funding.

Dancing In The Moonlight toured social care establishments and community halls for an older audience. This dance theatre piece was based on the real life recollections of people who resided in Denbighshire having moved here as evacuees from Liverpool.

Indigo Theatre Company wrote and directed Murder Mystery pieces that were performed for a range of audiences and establishments including Corporate clients, hotel residents, public services and the NHS.

Adam and I continued to write, direct and perform until our children began to reach school age. We attained PGCE’s and began teaching performing arts which enabled us to look after our growing family whilst expanding the theatre company to include weekly workshops for children, young people and adults. Over the years that followed the theatre company slowly morphed into the performing arts academy it is today.

Our doors are always open to new participants and we look forward to meeting you should you care to join us on our creative journey!

Childe Roland (Peter Meilleur)

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Claire Tranmer


Direction & Drama

I started my training at Elliot-Clarke College at the age of 16 before moving on to study at Liverpool John Moores University where I gained a BA Honours degree in Dance & Drama. I left university to work with professional theatre companies before co-founding the Indigo Theatre Company in 1997, where I was fortunate enough to perform, direct and choreograph.

As an experienced actor, workshop leader, trainer and artist I have specialised in Physical Theatre and Contemporary Dance at all ages. Having also trained as a teacher I have had the opportunity to direct full-scale productions, such as 'Hairspray', 'Annie' and 'Seussical The Musical'.

The 'buzz' of performing in front of a live audience is the best feeling in the world. That 'buzz' is what I enjoy passing on to my students, whether through a small, informal screening, an improvised street performance or a full-scale production in a packed theatre.

When a mum talks about how much their child's self-confidence has improved or an adult introduces themselves to me as the shy 7-year-old in a production from years ago, I get so satisfied knowing that the impact of the performing arts lasts a lifetime.

Adam Tranmer

Drama & Voice

After my training at John Moores University in Liverpool, I went on to work with a variety of performance companies, before setting up the Indigo Theatre Company with Claire. This gave me the opportunity to develop a range of amazing performance projects and work with a host of talented people. I have also had the luck of directing many major productions, most recently 'Babes In The Wood' and 'A Christmas Carol', which has given me and others joy. I hope to bring these experiences to the studio to help nurture and develop the talents of our young students.

I am well aware of the importance of the performing arts; they provide cultural identity, social skills, self-confidence, and can be a place of expression for our thoughts and feelings. The performing arts also allow us space to imagine a rapidly changing world. The world will look very detached in 40 years' time and the imagination and creativity of our young people will help us make that progressive journey.

Anita Lloyd

Choreography & Dance

I graduated from Merseyside Dance and Drama Centre in 1994 and gained my ISTD dance teaching qualifications. I then went straight into teaching, preparing pupils for different ISTD, GCSE, A-level and BTEC dance exams and performing arts in dance awards.

Throughout my teaching experience I have choreographed for many local shows, including pop groups and individual artists on S4C.

I think everyone should have the opportunity to dance, by laughing and having fun. Inclusion, diversity and equality are at the heart of my teaching, as is a passion for the art form. It's more than learning a series of steps to music. It is a way of moving that uses the body as a tool of expression and communication. It allows for personal and social growth through teamwork, focus and improvisational skills. Dance is waking up new findings in children that help them learn and think in new ways.

The excitement in their eyes makes you realise how magical dance is.

Friends who dance together stay together.

Alison Young


Myfanwy Tranmer

Social Media & Marketing

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The Indigo Academy of Performing Arts offers bi-lingual classes in drama, singing and dancing for children and young people aged 4-18. The classes are divided into:


4-7 Years


7-11 Years


11-25 Years

Abstract watercolor cloud


Abstract watercolor cloud


Yellow Abstract Corner Blob

These sessions are bilingual and designed for young students to have fun in a safe and creative environment, while developing the skills that will lead to confident and expressive young individuals.

This class introduces three main performing arts disciplines, namely dance, drama and singing and is an important step towards developing confidence to attend the Junior Academy.

Asian Kid with Family Dancing
Yellow Abstract Corner Blob


Pwllglas Village Hall, near Ruthin

(above the shop)

Click here to see GOOGLE MAPS


9:00-10:00 Every Saturday (following the Denbighshire school term dates)

Click here to sign up for your first session

*Please note that our Minions sessions cost £6 each. Please see the page 'Prices & Booking' for more information.


7-11 YEARS

The Junior Academy is a 2.5 hour course covering the three main Performing Arts disciplines of acting, dancing and singing.

Opportunities to explore mask work, circus skills, magic, comedy as well as other performance skills will be offered at different times throughout the course such as musical techniques and script work.

There will be opportunities for members to perform, compete and sit examinations.


Pwllglas Village hall, near Ruthin

(above the shop)

Click here to see GOOGLE MAPS


10:00-12:30 Every Saturday

(following the Denighshire school term dates.)

Click here to sign up for a free trial.


11-25 YEARS

The Senior Academy provides our students with higher quality performance skills.

Also 2.5 hours a week, the course still covers the three disciplines of drama, singing and dance. This course aims to build on vocal, characterising and movement skills with greater complexity and sophistication that offer more challenge to our performers.

Members will have the opportunity to perform in shows, competitions and sit examinations.


Pwllglas Village Hall, near Ruthin

(above the shop)

Click here to see GOOGLE MAPS


12:30-3:00 Every Saturday

(following the Denbighshire school term dates)

Click here to sign up for a free trial.

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Indigo classes run for 10 sessions each term, the dates and latest fees will be sent out prior to the beginning of the term.


  • £170 a term for the Main Academy (to be paid in a lump sum before the start of the term - there are 10 weeks in the term)
  • £6 a session for Minions

The Minions fees can be paid at the class on a pay as you go system, or if you want your Minion child to attend all 10 sessions, you can pay in one lump sum.

The Main Academy fees (Juniors and Seniors) must be paid in full in advance of the term.

You may also be eligible for a discount if you recieve certain benefits, as well as an option to arrange a payment plan with us if it is difficult to pay the whole amount. Please contact us to ask.

All siblings of any full paying Academy members will receive a 10% discount, this does not apply to Minions.

PLEASE NOTE: that you may also incur other fees for extra activities, eg shows, competitions, exams, etc.

The Academy students are expected to wear the Indigo uniform and jazz/dance shoes.

Please see click here to view our range of Uniform.

*All fees will increase in accordance with UK inflations costs, and other running costs.

Register here:

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Child Safeguarding Policy Procedures &

Codes of Practice Document

Safeguarding officer: Claire Tranmer 07742380638

Deputy Safeguarding officer: Adam Tranmer 07730666676

In the event of not being able to contact the above please contact safeguarding officer Denbighshire: Mr Wayne Wheatley on 01824 708064

Drawn up: September 2015

Revised: September 2017

Academi Celfyddydau Indigo Performing Arts Academy

Tel: 07742380638 / 07730666676 or

Academi Celyfyddydau Indigo Performing Arts Academy Policies

This policy applies to all staff, including senior managers, paid staff, volunteers and sessional workers, agency staff, students or anyone working on behalf of Academi Celfyddydau Indigo Academy of Performing Arts (ACIAPA)

The purpose of this policy is:

• to protect children and young people who receive ACIAPA’s services.

This includes the children of adults who use our services;

• to provide staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that guide our approach to safeguarding.

ACIAPA believes that a child or young person should never experience abuse of any kind. We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people and to keep them safe. We are committed to practice in a way that protects them.

Legal framework

This policy has been drawn up on the basis of law and guidance that seeks to protect

children, namely:

•Children Act 1989

•United Convention of the Rights of the Child 1991

•Data Protection Act 1998

•Sexual Offences Act 2003

•Children Act 2004

Protection of Freedoms Act 2012

•Relevant government guidance on safeguarding children

We recognise that:

• the welfare of the child is paramount, as enshrined in the Children Act 1989

• all children, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity, have a right

to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse

• some children are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency,

communication needs or other issues

• working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting

young people’s welfare.

We will seek to keep children and young people safe by:

• valuing them, listening to and respecting them

• adopting child protection practices through procedures and a code of conduct for staff and volunteers

• developing and implementing an effective e-safety policy and related procedures

• providing effective management for staff and volunteers through supervision, support and training

• recruiting staff and volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made

• sharing information about child protection and good practice with children, parents, staff and volunteers

• sharing concerns with agencies who need to know, and involving parents and children appropriately.

We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.

This policy was last reviewed on: 01/09/2021



(this should be signed by the most senior person in your organisation , for example the safeguarding lead on your board of trustees)

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Child's INDIGO Hoodie

Comic Script Bubble Illustration


Dotted Circle

Colour choices for hood:

Dotted Circle



3-4 YRS

5-6 YRS

7-8 YRS

9-11 YRS

12-13 YRS

Dotted Circle

Adult's INDIGO Hoodie

Colour choices for hood:

Dotted Circle
Comic Script Bubble Illustration





INDIGO polo shirt

Dotted Circle

Children's Sizes

3/4yrs 5/6yrs 7/8yrs 9/10yrs 11/12yrs 13yrs

Comic Script Bubble Illustration


Adult Sizes


Comic Script Bubble Illustration


Indigo Uniform available to order from our office. Contact Alison for more information.

*Please note that Academy students will be expected to wear Indigo Uniform and black Jazz Shoes from September 2022.

Please see examples of black jazz shoes below - these can be found online at dancewear shops or from large online retailers such as Amazon. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us or speak to Claire or Miss Lloyd in class.

Email sign
Phone Outline Icon


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Email Glyph Icon

telephone receiver

07712221914 / 07742380638

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

Click on the icons.

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Welcome to our indigo family, to ensure that we keep everyone safe and that everything runs smoothly you are required to read our terms and conditions. Every Parent/guardian must agree to our Terms & Conditions and submit a registration form online or by hand before their child attends their first Indigo session. By submitting your registration form, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

  1. Places are allocated on a 'first come, first served' basis. If there are no places available you can be placed on our waiting list.

2. Times, current term dates, fees will be sent to you before the beginning of each term.

3. Fees must be paid in full on or before the dates we give to you each term, if you have financial difficulties, please contact

us as we may be able to organise a personalised payment plan with you. You may also be eligible for a discount.

4. In the event that a student is unable to attend a session, due to sickness, holiday or a decision by the Parent or Student

not to attend, payments are non-refundable.

5. Siblings of full paying students that attend the academy will have 10% discount off their full fee (this does not include

the Minions)

6. All our students participate in all sessions, workshops or events at their own risk. Parents/ guardians are obliged to

inform Indigo staff of any existing injuries or medical condition, or any condition that we may need to know about.

7. All application forms must have any known medical conditions stated and any changes to such information must be

notified to Indigo immediately in writing.

8. Students must always wear suitable footwear and an Indigo Uniform, the details of how to order are on the website. In

the event that you are unable to wear a uniform (i.e. during your trial period) loose, comfortable clothes must be worn.

9. If a student is unwell or has had an accident that may require emergency treatment, the Parent will be contacted via the

emergency contact details provided on the registration data form. This number must always be contactable whilst the

student is in attendance of Indigo.

10. Parents are responsible for ensuring that the emergency contact details on our Indigo records are up to date.

11. Students are obliged to take care of their own belongings. Indigo staff cannot accept liability for any lost or damaged


12. It is occasionally necessary to change the times and/or venue of Indigo sessions. This will only be done when necessary,

however Indigo will do its best to keep class times and locations as consistent as possible.

13. All Students must be collected on time after a session. Staff are unable to supervise Students after a session has

finished and consistent late collection will result in additional charges.

14. All of our teachers and administration staff have a current up to date DBS check, we are insured with public liability

insurance, and are aware of our child protection policy. (Available on our website)

15. For all shows and performances, it is important that students attend the rehearsals and shows and commit to their


16. In the event that your child is disruptive, abusive or poses a danger to themselves, other pupils, staff, teachers or

parents, we reserve the right to exclude your child from any of Indigos classes or events. Indigo strives to be a safe and

inclusive environment.

17. Photographs and video footage of pupils taken will be used on our website, and social media and for publicity

purposes. If you do not wish your child’s image used for these purposes, you must inform us in writing. There is a

place on our registration form where you can let us know.

18. You must provide 2 weeks’ notice if your child wants to leave Indigo, fees will be non-refundable if they leave during a


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